Our hosting is ideal for customers who need their website to be available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Therefore, on our servers you will certainly not encounter several hours or even several days outages, as is usual elsewhere.
Conditions of guarantee
The 100% uptime guarantee includes any unplanned unavailability of the web server, except when unavailability is:
- less than 5 minutes caused by necessary technological procedures (restart of service, server, etc.),
- caused by a loss of connection between the customer and our servers,
- caused by force majeure (natural disaster, extreme weather, terrorist attack, etc.)
With a 100% guarantee, the subscription period is extended by 1000 times the duration of the outage itself.
The duration of the outage is calculated from the time it is reported by a customer (by e-mail, by phone or filling in a customer request on our portal) until the problem is resolved. The prepaid period may be extended by a maximum of 1 year if the outage is longer than 12 hours, or by 3 months if the outage is less than 12 hours.
Please see General Terms and Conditions for complete rules.